Tuesday, September 27, 2011

floral colours

As a daughter of a florist, I should know how to appreciate flowers and their colours.

These pictures are taken this afternoon around the house (with my trusty digi-cam!)

I grew up in a tropical country. And with numerous green plants and trees surrounding me, it makes me smile to see flowers of various colours.

When my family moved to Canada, my mom still kept her hobby of taking care of plants. Even in winter, there are plants and flowers in the house.
Sometimes when I feel uninspired, looking at flowers puts me at ease.

Flowers in shops nowadays can be dyed to satisfy the costumers' preferences. But nothing is like the natural colours. It's probably due to the way flowers look lively.

Like that one ----->
That one was from the flower shop my mom works in.
I'm not a hater of this dyeing technique. It's quite interesting actually.

Apparently, a blue rose means the impossible.

And because there's more flowers in around the house:


  1. I am rather jealous that you have so many flowers at home. I'm into nature photography and flowers have always been something I love to photograph because of how beautiful they are. I've always found it so easy to appreciate and love them.

  2. i would love to see some of your works ! :D

  3. I don't have much up, but there's some here: http://princerain.deviantart.com/gallery/31748106
