Sunday, September 11, 2011

Conceptualized Environments

So this is my most recently stumbled-upon concept artist. He does almost all environmental concept art, and works a lot on lighting rather than extreme details or anything... I also linked my favourites on deviantart, so ppl can look at that as well - just more of some of my favourite pieces of art - on dA that is... These conceptual enviro. pieces gives me inspiration to do my own, and keeps me drawing more and more digitally, and yeah. :) hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!!
Here is also his account on livestream and a critique/ paint over he did of different people's work...



  1. This is epic - the terrifying yet grand structure of the city along with the striking flames of light. I love the balance of the image with the light but I also love the haunting and mysterious feeling of the night-lit city. Cool cool.

    - Joelle

  2. uh huh :D I quite like it as well. Is this the sort of purple you're thinking of for coldplay? or.. deeper redder?
