I have also included other examples of expressive type.
"The Newport Beach Film Festival" and "Disappear"
Communication design seeks to attract, inspire, create desires and motivate people to do or think something using words, images, artifacts, spaces, sound, and movement. Your job is to explore and create original concepts—not merely to emulate others' ideas (although others will inspire you)—and to expand your ideas about what it is to communicate.
Typophile Film Festival 5 Opening Titles from Brent Barson on Vimeo.
I love the way the text flows from one phrase to the next, as the text form changes and relates to each sentence. I think this use of type is really innovative - using simple objects to create letter forms, instead of simply using already formed text. The use of texture, colours, space, movement, are all focused on the distinction of each typeface element - what the words are made from and why.